Friday, June 5, 2020

#SouthAfrica South-Africa tells you what it is when niggers rule and whites are minority. Seppo Lehto Tampere White Finland


Historioitsija University Tampere Seppo Lehto
#SouthAfrica  South-Africa tells you what it is when niggers rule and whites are minority. Seppo Lehto Tampere White Finland


#WhiteLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter
#AllLivesMatter #FarmMurders #FarmAttacks #SouthAfrica South-Africa tells you what it is when niggers rule and whites are minority. Seppo Lehto Tampere White Finland
Lainaa twiittiä
Koos de la Rey
This is how you protest. No burning, breaking, looting, fighting or killing. No need for police or army. #WhiteLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter
#AllLivesMatter #FarmMurders #FarmAttacks #SouthAfrica #BlackMonday

Yhdenvertaisuudesta on kyse, jos pyritään olemaan objektiivisia ja tasapuolisia kaikkia kohtaan: Erilaiset #kommarivitut ja neekerirumpujen palikka...

